Art (Fine arts, Performing arts)


PART I ESSAY will focus on one work in the Dayton Art Instiute special exhibition Into the Ether. Begin your essay with the artist’s name, title of work, medium, date. Give a visual description of the work and then describe how new technologies are redefining our sense of space. (50 Points)
The following essays will focus on works of art at the Dayton Art Institute in the Dicke Wing of American Art
PART II  ESSAY (50 points)
You are a wealthy art collector and want to purchase two works for your French chateau.  Choose one realistic work and one abstract work from the Dayton Art Institute Dicke Wing. Give the name of the artist, the title, date and medium for each of the two works of art you have selected.  Follow the guidelines below to complete your essay.
Select from the list of works below.
Realistic/Representational AbstractWiley, Honorable Augustus Keppel Hofmann, Enchanted FirePorter, Self Portrait Frankenthaler, Sea Change Fish, Embroidery Uzbekistan Warhol, Russell MeansKienholz, Sawdy Raushenberg, Sling ShotVan Pelt, Louise Nevelson Nevelson, UntitledO’Keefe, Purple Leaves Yoshitomo, Flying Pup
Your essay’s main focus should be the discussion of the visual elements (refer to the Study Terms) in each work; how the visual elements support content and meaning in the work; and brief biographical information on the artists.   If the work has a label, you may use the information in the label if it is appropriate to your essay, but it has to be expressed in your own words.
For each image comparison below, write (at the beginning of your essay) each artist’s name, title of work, medium, date and style (25 pts)  PART III  ESSAY (25 points)Compare and contrast luminist Albert Bierstadt Scene in Yosemite Valley  with American Impressionist Childe Hassam, Early Morning Calm.   Give a visual analysis of each work, including discussion of the formal elements (refer to Study Terms); how the visual elements support content and meaning in the work.
You would want to compare and contrast significant features relating to subject and/or style, making sure to note any factors that explain the artists’ preferences (influences in the art world or encounter with the larger culture/s, personal experiences or background).
PART IV ESSAY (25 points)Compare and contrast Joan Mitchell’s Untitled with one of the Chinese scrolls in the Dayton Art Institute Asian Wing. Your essay’s main focus should be a discussion of the visual elements; how the visual elements support content and meaning in the work.PART V ESSAY (50 points)Select one object (your choice) from the museum collections in any of the DAI Galleries (i.e., African, Asian, Greek, American, etc.).  Describe the object in detail, using formal elements.Clearly identify the narrative of the work (painting, sculpture) and/or the use of the object (esp. ceramics, ceremonial objects, etc)?FOCUS your essay on what you  OBSERVE through CLOSE LOOKING, and what you can then infer about context/geography/socio-cultural/political context from your observations?
You will need to submit a 5” x 7” photograph or drawing of your chosen works.  See the DAI website for restrictions on photographing artwork in the museums.  Specifically, you cannot use a flash in the museum.  The museum does not allow photographs to be taken in special exhibitions.
Follow the guidelines listed below for essay format:1 . Your essays should be typed or word-processed, have one-inch margins and numbered pages.  Each essay should be double-spaced.  Type size 12.
2. Spelling, punctuation, grammar and writing style will count in the grading process!  All sources must be cited.  Use the MLA handbook, available in the bookstore, library, Online.  BE SURE TO INCLUDE A WORKS CITED PAGE.    I remind everyone that those caught using large portions of any published research, including websites and audio/visual sources, that do not properly cite in MLA or Chicago Manual of Style will receive an automatic zero.  If in doubt, always CITE!
OPTIONAL_ EXTRA CREDIT (15 Points)Select one work (your choice) that you do not like from the museum collection in any of the DAI galleries.  Give a visual analysis using your Study Terms and explain how the visual elements support meaning in the work.