
Question 1
Go to the Astronomy Picture of the Day app or website ( (Links to an external site.)) and look at TWO recent pictures of galaxies. In each case, consider the following questions: Was the picture taken from a large or small telescope; from the ground or from space? Are galaxies in the image face on, edge on, or at an angle? What wavelengths were used for making the image? Are any of the colors “false colors”? If the picture is a combination of images from several telescopes, what do the different colors indicate?
Question 2
Go to the website for the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope ( (Links to an external site.)). Scroll down to click on “Full News Archive” and look for a story about dark matter. What has this telescope discovered about dark matter?
Question 3
Go to the website for the NASA Swift Gamma-Ray observatory ( (Links to an external site.)), which studies gamma-ray bursts. Click on “Latest Swift News” and look for a story about supermassive black holes. What has been discovered?