Each student will be expected to submit an individual assignment of 2,000 words in their Week 8 tutorials and via Turnitin. The required format for the assignment is an ESSAY. The topic is as follows:
Choose and collect two newspaper or periodical articles that have relevance to international business. Both articles must be published between 1st September and 30th September 2017 in one or more AUSTRALIAN NEWSPAPERS OR PERIODICALS. Carefully select each article so that both fall into one of the major topic areas of international business that we have already covered.
Now respond to the following questions:
What are the implications for each of the selected articles for:
the Australian government
Australian businesses (meaning domestic firms)
Multinational corporations (meaning international firms)
In your opinion, what are the most relevant international business concepts or theories (discussed in the first 6 weeks of class ie. Weeks 1-6) that could be used to analyse each or both of these articles? Give reasons for your answer
In analysing Question 2 you should choose either one different concept or theory for each article (ie two theories) or one theory that can apply to both articles. .
Include copies of both articles (either the original ‘cut-outs’ or a print out of the article from the newspaper’s website) as appendices to your assignment.
Your essay should incorporate at least 12 different references. These can be sourced from the following:
Academic articles
Relevant textbooks
Relevant online sources
The 12 references should be evenly balanced between these five resource options. Examples of all of these reference options are detailed on pages 4-5 of this guide.
Students are expected to maintain an appropriate standard in presenting their essay Remember to acknowledge your sources throughout the paper using the Harvard referencing system. The report is to be typed and 1.5 spaced (a standard 12 point font should be used). It should be checked for spelling, consistency and clarity of expression.