Question 1: Improving and Assessing the Quality of Behavioral Measurement
Use your Applied Behavior Analysis text to read the following:
Chapter 5, “Improving and Assessing the Quality of Behavioral Measurement,” pages 102–124.
Read the following PowerPoint presentation in preparation:
Chapter 5, “Improving and Assessing the Quality of Behavioral Measurement.”
Use the Library to read the following:
Sanson-Fisher, Poole, and Dunn’s 1980 article, “An Empirical Method for Determining an Appropriate Interval Length for Recording Behavior,” in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, volume 13, number 3, pages 493–500.
Question 2: Validity. Accuracy, Reliability
In this Instructor Contact Session, you will hear your instructor talk about ways to improve and assess the quality of behavioral measurement. Listen to the lecture and take notes. Then post a substantive response to the following discussion question: (Power point Presentation attached)
What is the importance of validity, accuracy, and reliability in behavioral measurement?
Question 3: Minimizing Threats to Accuracy
In this Instructor Contact Session, you will hear your instructor continue the discussion on validity, accuracy, and reliability. Listen to the lecture and take notes. Then post a substantive response to the following discussion question:
What procedures can be used to minimize the threats to the accuracy and reliability of behavioral measurement? Please discuss at least two procedures.
Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2007). Applied behavior analysis (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall. ISBN: 9780131421134.