BLS 601_Paper Two: “ESL Learners and Special Needs”

For Paper #2, write a four-page paper that deals with ONE aspect of special learning needs as it pertains to ESL learners. Some examples

of topics you could choose from might be a type of learning disability (such as reading); Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs) and ESL

learners; the autism spectrum and the ESL learner; hearing-impaired students/ESL/American Sign Language – this is just a short list. In

other words, pick a topic representing a special need that interests you the most and research the topic as you did in paper #1. Think of

how this special learning need will need to be adjusted so as to assist the second language learner.

Use any of the course texts and then find at least ONE refereed journal article from the Connelly Library databases dealing with the

special learning need for ESL students you have chosen. Please give a critical review of the journal article and summarize what you

learned from the article. Also, apply the findings from the article to what we have discussed in class and read in our readings.

Databases through Connelly Library: Go to the Connelly Library home page (Links to an external site)Links to an

external site. and find the database title “EBSCO-Education Research Complete”. This is one of my favorites – but you do not have to use

it if you find another that you like.

Length: Minimum 3 pages, double-spaced, 10-point font

Format: Either MLA or APA format