Order type: EssaySubject: BusinessAcademic level: Not specifiedStyle: Harvard
Assignment 2Assignment 2 in Business Research Methods provides you with an opportunity toundertake a detailed investigation into work relating to a specific local, regional ornational context, business theory, concepts and principles. You would be reviewing howthese can be applied in the business world.Factors to considerYour research must include a real business (in order to be able to find and collect data).The approach to all aspects of Assignment 2 must be directly related to the researchtopic you have chosen. For example, in questionnaires or interviews the researchcarried out must relate to the question. You must use selected analytical tools and/orstatistical tools in your discussion. This might include conventional accounting forms,breakeven charts, financial performance ratios, statistical presentations, structured andtitled tables, charts and diagrams.Your research as it was mentioned above must be specifically related toan existing business.POSSIBLE TOPICS FOR ASSIGNMENT-21. What motivates employees? Can Herzberg’s motivation theory help explainthe improvement in productivity at ABC Ltd?2. ABC Ltd: The relationship between motivation and quality.3. New product development at XYZ Ltd.4. To what extent has the introduction of ‘Total Quality Management’ improvedquality at ABC Ltd?5. How effective has the joint venture between DEF Ltd and ABC Ltd (two companies inthe city/area you live) been as a growth strategy?Assessment 2: Individual ReportYou are required to write an individual research report on your research project as a follow up yourpresentation. It is standard business practice for researchers / consultants to present their research findingsto the client, followed by the submission of a detailed report.Instructions:1. This is an individual report based on the research project you presented in your presentation. Thisreport will enable you to demonstrate your understanding of the key issues, the research process,your findings, conclusions and recommendations2. This is an Individual submission and should not be plagiarized. While you draw on the sameliterature and process, the only elements of your report that should be ‘similar’ would be your briefstatement of the research objectives, and any statistical data, diagrams and / or tables used in yourpresentation.3. Your report should be written in a professional manner, from researcher / consultant to client. Thekey sections in the report should be:a) Introduction: this should include:I. a statement of the problemII. the aim and objectives of your research projectIII. a rationale for this studyb) Literature Review: The topic chosen should be placed in a pertinent theoretical context. You mayalso include information on the industry / company from other appropriate sources.c) Research Methods: This should relate toI. What you want to find out – your research questionsII. the methods chosen for primary data collectiond) Findings: Presenting the primary research findings in a clearand focused manner.e) Discussion and Analysis: This section allows you to discuss and analyse your primary findings inrelation to what you found in the literature review.f) Conclusions: These should relate to the aim and objectives set out in the introduction.g) Recommendations: in two areas resulting from the conclusionsI. directed at the organizationII. areas for future research.i) Reflection: You should briefly reflect your experience of the role of researcher4. Your report should:a) Identify your student number in the documentb) Be your own independent work and free from plagiarism, correctly referenced.c) Use Harvard citation and referencingd) Be written in an appropriate stylee) Be word processed, in black text using 1.5 spacing and Font: Arial, Calibri or Times New Romaf) Font size 12g) Have been spell checked and proof-read