Three questions
Project description
the first question is: Describe a situation in your current or former workplace, or an organization of which you have been engaged, that followed a model 1 pattern as described by Argyis and schon(1974,1996). now re-write the situation as you think it would have occurred in a model 2 Theory-in-Use where advocacy and inquiry combine to promot open and honest dialogue.
Describe how some of the basic HR principles listed on page 140 of B&D have materialized into strategic practies at your workplace or an organization of which you are intimately familiar.
Think about when you first started in your current, or a former workplace organization. what was the career anchor, as described by schein on page 143 of pugh and hickson, that best describes what motivated you in terms of the “psychological contract” between you and the organization? now compare that career anchor with the one that best describes you today. what is diffrenet if anything, and to what extent does your career anchor match the implicit expectations that your organization has of you?