Changes to the Australian Marriage Act to legalise same-sex marriage

Changes to the Australian Marriage Act to legalise same-sex marriage
Please follow the Report writing style by this link below:

Identify the issue from organization/institutional perspective. The report should present and argue two opposing positions. e.g.(A church

position on gay marriage and the gay rights lobby).

Write your analysis as if you were acting as an external. non-partisan consultant, providing an issues management analysis, present as a

Report( Report writing style*).

Your analysis should consider the Position of the organization and the advocacy/activist group on the issue.

Consider the following for each group in your analysis:
-News Media
-Social Media
-Legal position/Challenges
-Political positions/affiliations

At the conclusion of the report, develop a summary table that summaries the opposing positions on the issue, under the two Headline*

(Organization and Advocate/Activist)

None fix with the number of sources/references .But in the assignment requested to source scholarly journals and books to support the analysis,

drawing on theory and expert sources.