Childhood story/ memory


Drafting 2: Narration
I. The drafting is from 30-35 lines, (650 words) to double space, size 12, letter Times New Roman.

Choose a story from your childhood or an interesting story that happened to a family, a friend or you. The story should have an ending that is of much surprise to the reader.

How to ‘tell’ or express your story? Try to write the events the most natural as possible. Do it as if it were telling this story to your
best friend. For this exercise it is recommended you follow the
following instructions.

Who tells the story? If you are the main character of the
narration you should ‘break’ with the trend and create a
‘distance’ becoming only the storyteller or narrator (omniscient)
or the one who knows the thoughts, feelings and all of what happens to the ‘characters’.

First paragraph:
Here we have the description of the characters, the where, place, the environment, and state the problem faced by the protagonist.

Second paragraph and third paragraph: Conflict
Here tell us the most interesting part of the story. How the problem gets complicates and the problem faced by the characters? Put dialogue direct.

Third paragraph: Resolution
Here you state how the conflict was solved. What
solution did the narrator give? Do not include any lesson, the narration ends in action, not in a moral.

III. Elements.
This drafting, should include the following elements:
Direct analogue. A maximum of 6 lines.
Indirect style. A minimum of 3 sentences.
Correct use of times in the past (including theaccentuation)
Correct use of grammatical aspects