Chpater 7 questions


–Using ONLY the text book "When Terrorism Strikes Home: Defending the United States" by James A. Fagin (ISBN # 0205405819), answer the following questions.
–Answer the "Terrorism and You" questions 1-10 at the end of the chapter (located on page 209-210, these questions are based on the information on chapter)
–Also Answer the "Thinking About How Terrorism Touches You" questions 1-5 (located on page 210, these questions are based on your opinions)
–If you don’t have the book, ask me and I’ll attach a pdf of the chapter.
–Direct answers please, no need to draw out the answers.
–No formal format is needed or wanted. Just type the question number and answer (i.e. I DON’T need an intro or MLA or APA format)

