Comparing the developmental theories of Piaget, Kohlberg, Erikson, and Fowler as they related to young adulthood cognitive, moral, emotional, and spiritual development.

I. Definition – How To Do the Developmental Readings Assignment:
Use Reference Management Software (like Zotero) to do developmental readings. Complete a developmental reading log that is a special kind of annotated bibliography. Annotated bibliographies become “developmental” by having each reading include 3 elements:
A. Quote/Paraphrase: A direct quote citation from a source in quotation marks, ending with a page number (p. #); or a paraphrase of the author’s idea in the student’s own words.
B. Additive/Variant Analysis: Evaluate the author’s idea either as additive, or adding to the student’s worldview and perspective on the topic; or variant, meaning adding to the student” s knowledge but disagreeing with the student’s worldview or perspective on the topic. Give support for your analysis to demonstrate critical thinking.
C. Contextualization: Apply the idea to your profession, calling, or personal life explaining how you can use the new idea to develop as a scholar and world changer. You can also include continuing questions you have.
II. Requirements:
An adequate assignment should have 11-12 comments numbered systematically documenting bibliographical information of 5-8 sources. At least 2 of the sources must be from journals dated within the last 5 years. The readings are to increase the reader’s perceptions, reasoning and learning related to course essential elements. Readings may include new ideas, concepts, constructs, assumptions, operational definitions, and subject jargon which add to the counter/knowledge or challenge present understanding.
The format for the Developmental Reading Assignment is as follows:
The document must be written in complete sentences in APA style.
Items in a series from a source that are numbered or in bullet points can be included in a quote/paraphrase, but the analysis and contextualization portions should follow academic paragraph style.
Every new bibliography should begin with the APA bibliographic reference. This is followed by however many developmental reading entries are done based on that source.
As a last step in cleaning up the final form of the assignment before submitting number each new developmental reading (disregarding sources) in sequence.
Ex: Source 1
1. Reading
2. Reading

Source 2
3. Reading
4. Reading

Source 3
5. Reading, Etc.

Conclude the Developmental Reading Assignment with a complete alphabetical listing of all sources, i.e. a bibliography. Use the Concise Rules of APA Style.