Bus4013, [u08a1] Unit 8 Assignment 1, Course Project Paper Part 1 – Draft
You will write the paper for your final project in three stages, with three separately graded submissions—Part 1 Draft in this unit, Part 2 Draft in Unit 9, and the Final Paper in Unit 10. The final paper will be an integrated paper that includes both Part 1 and Part 2, any changes based on instructor feedback, and additional information and analysis where required.
The overall purpose of the project is to demonstrate your understanding of how organizational structure and learning influence performance and how the principles and concepts related to organization design can provide a basis for making good business decisions. To do this, you will present interpretive findings from your interview, explain how theories, models, and paradigms about organization design apply to the interviewee’s organization, and make recommendations for your organization in today’s hyper-competitive and rapidly changing environment.
Complete a draft of Part 1, Interview Narrative and Brief Organization Analysis.
Interview narrative.
Explain who you interviewed and the agreement you reached to conduct an interview. List your questions. Summarize the findings from each question, including the best stories and quotes in the interviewee’s own words.
Organization analysis.
Identify the organization. Describe its industry, products and services, approximate revenue (if known), number of employees, mission, strategy, business goals and objectives, core business processes, capabilities, and competencies.
Trace the organization’s history, describing any changes to its structure over time.
Explain the rationale for major structuring and organization design efforts and how they could (or did) enable improved performance. Discuss whether they yielded the performance hoped for. What role did these efforts play in enabling the organization to be a high-performing learning organization?
Submission Requirements
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Written communication should be well organized and clear, with correct spelling and grammar.
APA format: Resources and citations should be in current APA format. Be sure to include title and reference pages.
Length: 5-10 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title and reference pages.
Font and font size: Arial, 11 point.
Please use papers attached and resource files to write this paper.