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Covenant Paper Student Guide Part III – OutlineAssignment OverviewWithin this assignment, outline the contents of your term paper. An outline is a well thought out structure for your final paper, not just initial thoughts. Complete the sections below by doing the following:Introduction • Provide a complete introduction to your paper with a thesis statement at the end of your introduction. • The introduction should introduce the topic (the biblical concept of covenant) and the thesis should be one sentence that identifies the argument you will make in the paper.
Body • Under each of the sections for the New Testament, provide a topic sentence, the main points that will be made within the paper, and the sources that will be used to substantiate the main points (both biblical texts including the chapter and verses and any references from the **** Library). • The final paper will seek to prove the main points.
Conclusion • The conclusion should restate the main points that are going to be made within the paper. • This should be well-developed.
Reference Page • Provide a full reference page as it will appear on your final paper. • The sources found in the reference page should be citedthroughout the outline.• In this outline, apply the feedback your instructor gave on your annotated bibliography assignment.
The GospelsTopic Sentence:Main Point 1:Main Point 2:Main Point 3:(Add Additional Main Points as Needed)ActsTopic Sentence:Main Point 1:Main Point 2:Main Point 3:(Add Additional Main Points as Needed)Paul’s EpistlesTopic Sentence:Main Point 1:Main Point 2:Main Point 3:(Add Additional Main Points as Needed)The General EpistlesTopic Sentence:Main Point 1:Main Point 2:Main Point 3:(Add Additional Main Points as Needed)RevelationTopic Sentence:Main Point 1:Main Point 2:Main Point 3:(Add Additional Main Points as Needed)