Mental Health Nursing
Presentation Guide for Assignment One
• This paper should be 1,200 words (+/- 10%) • Your report should have 1.5 line spacing. • Set your margins at 2.5 cm for left and right margins. • Use the APA referencing style at all times. • Write in the 3rd person at all times. • Use section headings to structure your assignment.
Cultural considerations when caring for indigenous Australians experiencing mental illness.
Structure of your paper
• Introduce your assignment and state the objectives for your paper.
• Why is this significant topic for contemporary debate (within the nursing profession)?
• The assignment should explore and describe the extent / significance of the topic and draw from literature with a focus on the Australian situation.
• Provide a section explaining your search strategy for uncovering relevant literature and then present a summary of the relevant literature (focus particularly on literature relevant for nursing practice).
• Have a section with definitions of terms used in the paper to clarify these and use the literature to support your definitions.
• Provide an overview of current literature concerning policy, treatment interventions and / or likely outcomes. Ensure that this section is critical and utilises current research literature from the journals (within the last 5 years).
• Provide a section on how this topic is relevant to nursing interventions / broader mental health care in Australia (depending on your topic) and again utilise the literature to support this section.
• Consider and discuss the limitations of care or policy. • Provide a conclusion to your paper; this should not introduce and new arguments but
rather should concisely summarise your overall discussion. • Please ensure you use the marking guide below to guide you in preparing this assignment.