First is a reaction to the terms blended and tiered. What do you understand about the practices/principles, what connections can you make to your own work or to other readings, what things are you unclear about?
Second represents your own critical analysis of an activity-based approach and how you see a blending of theories/practices. In your own words try to describe what is being blended or why it could be considered a blended approach and what the implications for practice might be.
Third is your assessment of the three tiered models (i.e., Building Blocks, Pyramid, and CRTIEC). What about them makes them blended? What makes them tiered? How are they different or the same? What will you take away and use or try in your own practice?
Threaded Discussion Guidance:
• Length doesn’t matter – quality of the post does.
• What makes a quality post? Specificity/detail, descriptions of practice or real life examples, good questioning of self or others, connections to readings (with in text and end of text citations).
• Own postings relate new content to what had been previously learned, tie back to course readings/materials, relate to personal experiences, are logically reasoned and supported, and include synthesized comments of others
Read This
• Required: Pretti-Frontczak, K., & Bricker, D. (2004). An activity-based approach to early intervention. (3 ed.). Baltimore: Brookes Publishing Co.
Chapter 8 Conceptual Foundation for ABI (see file uploaded which was an earlier version than the one published so is missing figure etc.; however, it contains the bulk of what you need to know)
• Optional: Building Blocks – Sandall (2003) Play modifications for children with disabilities (see file uploaded)
Watch This
• Required
1- Ondemand mp3 recording of Overview of Blended and Tiered Practices (10:45
2- Ondemand screencast of Building Blocks (just about 5 minutes)
5- CRTIEC Part I:
CRTIEC Part 2:
CRTIEC Part 3:
Navigating the CRTIEC Website:
6- CSEFEL Part 1 – about 5 minutes
CSEFEL Part 2 – about 5 minutes
TACSEI Overview – about 3 minutes