Drug Development and Toxicology (High-performance liquid chromatography)

Project description
Practical report

This will evaluate the student’s ability to use and interpret data obtained from a laboratory practical investigation using the technique of HPLC (Practical report, Mainly:1. describe the main stages in discovery and development of a drugs, and discuss the major socio-economic issues surrounding drug development/usage, & disposition of toxicants;2. discuss and demonstrate the application of key analytical techniques for the identification and quantification of drugs and toxicants in biological matrices).

(1)Please use this proforma to submit the written part of your assessment for Coursework 1. The proforma is structured and you should adhere to the instructions provided throughout .

(2) Your text MUST be written in the boxes provided and should be presented in Arial or Calibri 12 pt., with 1.0 line spacing. Smaller text or that presented outside of, or in additional boxes will not be marked. Your text MUST be word processed and some sections have a word limit (Maximum number in brackets). Expand the boxes as required in order to fit in your text.

(3) Yow will be asked to append a copy of (a) a standard curve for each analyte, (b) a table relating analyte concentration vs. Day after accident and (c) a graphical plot of these data.

(4) Submission will via turnitin, including tables and figures. These should be clearly labelled and stapled at the end of the proforma.

(5) Please ensure that any references used are from recognised peer-reviewed sources and that both citation in the text and bibliography section conform to the Harvard System.