

1. Henry Jenkins in 2006 wrote a white paper on participatory learning titled “Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century”, located at https://www.nwp.org/cs/public/print/resource/2713

2. In 2004, Sasha Barab and Kurt Squire wrote an article about Design Based Research in which he describes how learning should not be done in isolation. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=

3. In 2016, Krutka and Carpenter followed up on Jenkins and Squires theories in an article Participatory Learning Through Social Media: How and Why Social Studies Educators Use Twitter, https://www.learntechlib.org/d/150963.

• What kind of parallels can be drawn from these three articles? It would be helpful for you to know that Jenkins and Squire worked together at MIT and that is where Jenkins’ idea on Participatory learning came about.

• Think about these concepts and describe what conclusions can be drawn from them and how they can apply to eLearning environments.
• You must CITE academic research articles and/or research studies and use examples where appropriate to support your answers (All papers will be submitted to Turnitin.com to check for original work and no plagiarism of works and/or other students’ papers)

• Each response must have a minimum of six (6) references (not counting the ones shared in the question) that you locate to support your answer. The more you have the better you support your answer. You must also reference the links provided, if you decide to use them. (I found some research articles. I listed them in references. Please check and read them as well very carefully)

• Research must be cited throughout your answers (APA style) and in a reference page at the end of paper.

• Research articles from Web sites should include Web site addresses.

• NOTE: References should be NO older than four years, unless establishing original research, educational research theory or for historical purposes

USE THESEREFERENCES IN THE PAPER ( with either direct quotations in-text citations or paraphrase in-text citations) as follows: .
FIND ALL THESE ARTICLES IN THE ATTACHMENT AND READ THEM ALL. I put together them for you in APA but double-check me.


Akom, A., Shah, A., Nakai, A., & Cruz, T. (2016). Youth participatory action research (YPAR) 2.0: How technological innovation and digital organizing sparked a food revolution in east oakland. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (QSE), 29(10), 1287-1307. https://doi.org/10.1080/09518398.2016.1201609
Conley, Q., Lutz, H.S. &Padgitt, A.J. (2017). Creating participatory online learning environments: A social learning approach revisited. Journal of Interactive Learning Research. 28 (1), 5-27. Retrieved from https://www.learntechlib.org/noaccess/172806/
Cober, R., Tan, E., Slotta, J., So, H., &Könings, K. D. (2015). Teachers as participatory designers: Two case studies with technology-enhanced learning environments. Instructional Science: An International Journal of The Learning Sciences, 43(2), 203-228.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11251-014-9339-0
De Pietro, O., De Rose, M., &Valenti, A. (2017). Methodologies and Technologies to support didactics for competences. Realization of an active and participatory teaching activity in a university context. Journal of E-Learning & Knowledge Society, 13(1), 113-127. https://doi.org/10.20368/1971-8829/1267
Gleason, B., &Von Gillern, S. (2018). Digital citizenship with social media: Participatory practices of teaching and learning in secondary education. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 21(1), 200-212. Retrieved from http://www.ifets.info/journals/21_1/18.pdf
Gutiérrez-Martín, A., &Torrego-González, A. (2018). The Twitter games: Media education, popular culture and multiscreen viewing in virtual concourses. Information, Communication & Society, 21(3), 434-447. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2017.1284881
Haron, H., Natrah Aziz, N. H., & Harun, A. (2017). A conceptual model participatory engagement within e-learning community. Procedia Computer Science, 116(1), 242-250.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2017.10.046
Paulin, D., &Haythornthwaite, C. (2016). Crowdsourcing the curriculum: Redefining e-learning practices through peer-generated approaches. Information Society, 32(2), 130-142. https://doi.org/10.1080/01972243.2016.1130501
Vanderhoven, E., Schellens, T., Vanderlinde, R., &Valcke, M. (2016). Developing educational materials about risks on social network sites: A design based research approach. Educational Technology Research and Development, 64(3), 459-480.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-015-9415-4
Vartiainen, H. (2014). Designing participatory learning. Presented at International Conferences on Education Technologies (ICEduTech) and Sustainability, Technology and Education (STE). Savonlinna, Finland: University of Eastern Finland. Retrieved from https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED557333.pdf