Topic: How does the economy stand today and what will I do to fix it if I was President
1. Go to the Bureau of Economic Analysis page, and you will see reports on how the economy is performing based on economic indicators:
2. You can also go to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics ( to get information on current economic conditions. There is alot of information on Productivity, Unemployment, Inflation, The National Debt, and our Balance of Trade.
You need to mention GDP (productivity), Jobs (unemployment), Fiscal Spending (the budget) and the national debt in your plan. Please use the information in the websites listed above in your research and site your sources accordingly.
3-4 pages summarizing the state of the US Economy based on your research. Additionally, write 3-4 pages on what you would do to get the economy back on track?
(tax reform, health care, education, ifrastructure, energy, the budget process, job creation, our national deficit, trade policy…) – if you try to mention too many things it will be difficult. Please get articles and data that back up your ideas.
Feel free to be creative with your ideas, but your plan must be realistic.
You can use these links.
Here is the latest BEA report on GDP for the 1st Q of 2016:
Here are the FOMC projections for 2016 – 2018 and long run expectations:
Here is the Federal Reserve statement on the recent FOMC meeting:
Here is the BLS Employment Situation Summary:
Here is the BLS Employment Statistics Highlights (March 2016):
Here you can see the number of jobs added per month per BLS:
You should look at the BEA Blog for the past few months:
Here is some information on the Trade Gap (April 2016):