Create a research proposal, under the title ?how would the time and effort spent on translating duties for parents impact students who speak English as a additional language through their educational journey?? please write in standard English. This is a subject linked with education so please always refer to education.
This must be done by including the following chapters:
-Introduction and aims
-Literature review
Detailed information on what each chapter should include is stated below:
Introducation and aims:
-What does the research aim to find out and why (referenced to literature)?
-Why is the proposed research important? (referenced to, for example, literature, media or government interest or personal/professional reasons)
-Who might be a potential user of this research?
What are the specific research questions?
Literature review:
You must demonstrate critical engagement with the literature on your proposed topic. You should:
-Treat the literature reviewed as a body rather than itemised individual pieces
-Identify relevant theory and define key terms
-Identify, describe and analyse themes/issues in the literature
-Identify, for example, gaps, weaknesses, strengths, contradictions, and areas of concentration, confusion, agreement, disagreement in the literature
-Show how the existing literature influences your proposed research
In this section you need to provide a rationale for the research design choices and discuss issues relating to validity:
-Which research paradigm will be used ? positivist (quantitative), interpretivist (qualitative) or both. Why?
-Which research approach/strategy (e.g. case study, ethnography, survey) will it be using? Why?
-Which data collection methods will be used in the study? Why? You might briefly touch on the methods you rejected?
-How do you intend to ensure that the research is valid?
Your discussion in this section must be supported with relevant literature on research design.
In this section you need to demonstrate understanding of ethical procedures and, where appropriate, how they will be applied in your proposed study. For example:
-What is informed consent? How will you gain informed consent in the study?
-What is meant by confidentiality and anonymity? How will confidentiality and anonymity be assured in the study?
-What are the possible risks to the participants? Are there any threats to children?s well-being?
-Do power dynamics or reflexivity create any threats to the validity of the research?
-Provide a clear summary of issues addressed
-Indications that you have considered some of the practicalities of how the research will be undertaken as part of the independent research project
Please include the following reference and could add some of your own if required: