Electronic Resource Book

Electronic Resource Book
You will collect and create an Electronic Resource Book of information and resources to use as a tool in your present/future class.
• This resource book must include, but is not limited to the criteria listed in the rubric.
• Feel free to include additional notes or information you find that may be helpful for yourself and for others. **The information does not need to be original and should be practical for use by practicing teachers.Each piece must be referenced. Correct APA style and formatting is expected.
Electronic Resource Book Directions
Please organize your resource book as follows.
• Part 1 – High Incidence Disabilities (Chapter 3 of the text)
o You must gather information on all 5 disability categories:
 Speech or Language Impairment (SLI)
 Learning Disabilities (SLD or LD)
 Attention Deficits/Hyper Activity Disorders (AD/HD)
 Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders (EBD)
 Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disorders
• Part 2 – Low Incidence Disabilities (Chapter 4 of the text)
o You must gather information on 2 of the 5 disability categories:
 Students with Physical Disabilities and Other Health Impaired (OHI)
 Students with Autism
 Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities
 Students with Hearing Impairment
 Students with Visual Impairment
• Part 3 – Other Special Learning Needs (Chapter 5 of the text)
o You must gather information on at least 1 category:
 Students who are Gifted, Creative and Talented
 Students who are Culturally and Linguistically Diverse
 Students who are at Risk
More Details
This is a gathering activity and does not demand originality of written work.
• You may copy and paste sections of work from other sources but must cite each source as you do so.
• Each disability will have its own section within the Parts 1, 2, and 3.
• Correct APA is expected.
• When you include internet sites, please activate the link so that others can easily access it. It should turn blue as a hyperlink when it is activated but please take the time to check it. Inactivate links will lower your score.
• Many of the sources you need are found in your text and the various websites provided.
Electronic Resource Book Expectations
Format of document:
• A title page with the course and your personal data on it.
• Use 12-point, Times New Roman font
• Add page numbers to the bottom
• You may copy and paste sections of work from other sources (e.g., your textbook, government agencies, professional organization websites, etc.) but must cite each source as you do so. Correct APA formatting is expected
• Activated Internet sites; (Inactivated sites will lower your score).
• Checklist for material contained in your electronic section.
Use the bold words as your section headers.
Disability Sections
For each category, do the following:
• Name and definition of the disability category, (include psychological and/ or behavioral characteristics) as determined by state or federal law – Specify as state (name state) or federal
• Identify and describe assessments utilized to determine disability (e.g., How are students identified as having this disability?)
• Identify and describe 3-5 Evidence-based educational strategies teachers can utilize when working with a student with this disability. (Include appropriate citations.)
• In 1-2 paragraphs, describe a scenario in which you have used or would use one or more of the instructional strategies above to engage learners in complex and meaningful tasks. **This is the heart of this exercise.
• List at least 3-5 activated Resource websites for EACH disability with a brief description. You are encouraged to include YouTube clips as well as any PowerPoint presentations, PBS documentaries (or others) you might find.
• List and describe at least one website of a Professional Organization for each disability.
• Additional notes at your discretion
This course includes this assignment as a critical assessment documenting your learning on the national standards described below. For information on the critical assessment policy, please review the course syllabus. Be sure to review the rubric for the assignment.
InTASC Standards
6(g) The teacher effectively uses multiple and appropriate types of assessment data to identify each student’s learning needs to develop differentiated learning experiences.
7(k) The teacher knows a range of evidence-based instructional strategies, resources, and technological tools and how to use them effectively to plan instruction that meets diverse
learning needs.
8(l) The teacher knows when and how to use appropriate strategies to differentiate instruction and engage all learning in complex thinking and meaningful tasks.
• References

• Mastropieri, M. A. & Scruggs, T. E. (2014). The inclusive classroom: Strategies for effective differentiated instruction (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

• Websites to help you with ELECTRONIC RESOURCE BOOK
o National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHY)
o What works Clearinghouse
o Doing what works (instructional tips)
o The IRIS Center

Welcome to the IRIS Center

o Special Education Resources for General Education
o National Research Center on Learning Disabilities
o National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems
o Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
o National Council on Disabilities