Health Promotion Project/health promotion theory believe


This assignment is building on the previous work you have done on chlamydia.
In Week 1, you identified the health promotion issue which would serve as the focus for your project. In Week 2, you began the review of literature to help better explain the health promotion problem.
This week, you will focus on articulating the health promotion theory believe best supports the changes needed to support the health promotion concept. As you synthesize this information, you will also identify a potential intervention which can be used to further explore the health promotion problem
use the grading criteria
Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Summarize the literature review from Week 2, incorporating any changes suggested by the facilitator.
Define the health promotion theory identified last week and demonstrate its applicability to the health promotion project.
Select one intervention and provide a detailed rationale.
Create an in-depth plan for interventions including specifics concerning all activities, audience and setting.
Summarize how the intervention is appropriate for the identified advanced practice role.
Followed APA guidelines
I think the health belief model is the best theory, what do you think? or do you think one of the other is better for this assignment?
Theories of Health Promotion
Theories of health promotion help to predict outcomes from therapeutic interventions. Some theories focus on the individual or intrapersonal level while others look at the interpersonal or community level. The ecological perspective is a more contemporary approach to designing health promotion interventions and includes approaches that focus on the individual and the environment in which they live. The environment includes individuals, genetic and individual risk factors, living conditions, neighborhoods, institutions, and social and economic policies.
After an evaluation of the community has been performed and the health promotion area identified, theories of health promotion can guide a group into deciding their course of action.
Theories Focusing on Individuals
Health Belief Model: This model focuses on individual health promotion and helps us predict an individual’s health behaviors based on his or her belief patterns. It was developed in the 1950s and was one of the first theories to be used in understanding an individual’s response to both health promotion and illness treatment. This model is based on the premise that an individual’s readiness to act is dependent upon his or her perceptions such as susceptibility, severity of consequences, potential benefits, and the cost of taking action. Subsequent interventions can then be planned on the basis of the individual’s responses to these concepts. One of the main limitations of this model is that it does not take into consideration other aspects of the individual, such as the environment in which they live.
Transtheoretical Stages of Change Model: This theory helps us to see individual behavior changes as a result of a process rather than a series of isolated events. The individual goes through five stages—precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance—which are different areas on which the intervention can focus. It is important to remember that people may cycle back and forth through these stages as it mirrors typical non-linear progression.
This model helps us understand change from a different perspective—something akin to thinking outside the box. Often, our own perceptions may cloud our perspective of change in others. This theory helps us to understand the natural history of change in behaviors.
The Ontario Ministry of Health has used this theory in a cigarette smoking cessation program. The program reveals how in each stage of this model, the individual has to grapple with a different set of issues and tasks related to the person’s smoking behavior.1
Social Cognitive Theory: This interpersonal level theory contends that a person’s behavior is based on three factors: human behavior, environment, and personal factors. The probability that a person’s behavior will change is dependent upon the person’s level of self-efficacy, goals, and outcomes expectations. Potential strategies for change include the use of role models, rewards and incentives, and environmental adjustments.
Theories Focusing on Communities
Community level theories seek to explain how social systems function and change and to discover the best approaches to stimulate involvement of the community members.
Community Organization Model: In this model, members of a community identify areas of health promotion that require intervention. These community groups can better organize resources, mobilize individual efforts, and develop strategies for successful implementation. This approach is similar to the ecologic approach in which a problem is examined from a more comprehensive perspective.
Various strategies such as developing social networks, developing leadership skills, and improving communication flow among the community groups can be used to execute this model.
