. History Analytical Paper (Modern Asia)


Explain why you agree or disagree with the statement:
“Freedom is a small cost to pay to reap the benefits of colonialism.”
In supporting your argument, you should draw concrete examples from the following:
Under the Black Umbrella (book)
The Blue Swallow (film)
In the Name of the Emperor (documentary)
Kaneko Fumiko “What Made Me Do What I Did” (course reader)
Yi Sanghwa, Sim Hun, Yosano Akiko (Poems)
The Japanese Ministry of Education, The Unique National Polity (handout)
KCP, “The Platform of Action of the Korean Communist Party” (course reader)
The Great Learning for Women (onna daigaku)
You will be graded on the judicious use of the source materials, thoughtfulness of comments, and clarity and coherence of the argument.
