1. How does “The Wanderer“ represent the Anglo-Saxon warrior? What is the role of
heroism, courage, and wisdom in the warrior’s life? What is the role of wyrd (fate) in
his life? How is he supposed to handle difficult circumstances?
2. How does emotion work in “The Wanderer”? Do you get a sense of the Wanderer’s
personal feelings? Does the text connect with the reader through emotion?
3. What is the Wanderer’s sense of this “fleeting” life that we lead? What world view
does the Wander seem to have that gives him that sense?
4. How does religion add to the poem? Is the poem overtly Christian, or do you see
pagan elements in it? How does religion drive the Wanderer?
5. What is the role of kinship in the Wanderer’s life? How does allegiance to family and
to country drive the events of the poem?
6. What does exile mean to the Wanderer? You might consider reading “The Seafarer,”
another Anglo-Saxon poem that deals with exile, and compare the ideas in both.