how social media is the most effective way of advertising in this modern society

Double-spaced. Cite your references within the paper and include a complete bibliography at the end. How social media is the most effective way of advertising in modern society. Research Paper should HAVE the following: Introduction with a Brief history of Social Media Advertising – Reasons why is is the most effective way of advertising in modern society ex. it attracts specific group people/mass group of people, easy access anytime/anywhere, cheaper than print Ads, Everybody has social media now a days (statistics of how many people in the US have social media within 5 years. ) – Examples of Social Media Advertising like: selling stuff in Etsy, Facebook and Instagram. – Advantage and Disadvantage in this growing society, – And more…. Just need to support the topic with CREDIBLE sources such as journals from online library or online articles. Writer is responsible to RESEARCH Articles and Database online to support all the topics that are mentioned.