Information Directory

Instructions that Information Directory Is from Queensland Australia
Prepare an Information Directory for networking and referral by gathering relevant information on the role, functions and service delivery of at least ten (10) different legal-related network agencies including. This project will represent a small sample of your directory of referral and networking contacts. Design the directory so that you may add to it regularly and update your table of contents.
• Three (3) selected from the list of agencies below.
• Two (2) community legal centres in your area.
• Two (2) suppliers of practice needs e.g. stationery and equipment suppliers.
• Two (2) barristers from which a solicitor may seek advice; refer Bar Association for your state or territory for list.
• One (1) of your own choice that you feel may benefit your practice as a para-legal.
Your directory must:
1. Include a table of contents for quick reference.
2. Present the agencies in alphabetical order.
3. Include a summary of the benefits to your practice for each contact.
4. Include details of the type of assistance/services which each agency provides directly to clients.
5. Include information that may be handed to the client for reference, (i.e., brochures, slip with telephone numbers or web address etc.).
6. Choose a system or design that would be user friendly in practice.
Select at least three (3) agencies from this list:
• Domestic Violence Referral Centre
• Queensland Homicide Victims Support Group
• Crisis Care
• Prisoner Action Group
• Prisoner Advocacy Service
• Legal Aid (Queensland)
• Official Visitor
• Ombudsman’s Office
• ACRO (Australian Community Safety and Research Organisation)
• Lifeline
• St Vincent’s Community Service
• Shaftesbury Citizenship Centre
• Anglicare
• Indigenous Legal Aid
• Relationships Australia