“Intellectual property rights are counterproductive in that they operate
to preserve the position of large and powerful multinational corporations
and help generate ever-increasing profits for them. This is to the
detriment of start-up companies and consumers alike. The proposition
that intellectual property rights exist to promote the creative arts and the
conception and development of inventions to the benefit of mankind is a
Critically evaluate this statement with reference to relevant cases and
statutes as appropriate.
(1) Knowledge & Understanding
Critically evaluate the rationale for the operation of intellectual property regimes.
Analyse and evaluate the characteristics of each type of intellectual property right
and the remedies for infringement. Analyse the operation of intellectual property
regimes within multi-level legalities and understand the changing nature and
creation of property rights within the global economic and social conflicts.
(2) Subject-Specific Skills
Evaluate and rank unfamiliar arguments in the light of established statute law,
judicial decisions and authoritative legal commentary. Research and apply
international intellectual property law to factual situations. Advise on the most
appropriate means (rights and remedies) of protection and exploitation of
inventions and ideas.
(3) Personal Transferable Skills
Present your work to an acceptable academic standing, both orally and in writing.
Write appropriately for professional and academic audiences and develop and
advance reasoned advice. Demonstrate an ability to reflect on the global social
differences to ‘ownership’ issues.