International Human Resource Management

2015-2016 Term II
Assessment: Essay (80 %)

The essay has a word limit of 2000 words (+/- 10%) excluding references.

Please choose one of the following titles. The essay titles are broad giving you the opportunity to individually decide on the structure and focus of your essay according to your interest. Your essays should demonstrate strong understanding of the topic and maintain a critical and analytical character throughout. You should situate your discussion in an international context.

The suggested reading for the course can act as a starting point for the assignment, but you are required to conduct additional research using a wide range of sources. The journals listed in the module outline are relevant, but other material can also be used.

Choose ONE of the following essay titles
Discuss what the potential business benefits that have been attributed to those multinational organizations that value and actively encourage workforce diversity. Discuss the differences between diversity management and equality management.

Multinationals will invariably have diverse workforce. Multinationals have proclaimed enthusiasm for diversity-different individuals positively values through organization. Reasons why? Reasons could be divided into broad groups. Social justice reasons and business reason. Methods for managing diversity(for example, a cultural change programmer cross-cultural, skill building opportunities)
Diversity management might build onEM measures; however, there are features which are significantly different. DM tents to emphasize the difference between individuals and to focus on enabling them to realize their potential. EM focuses on disadvantaged groups. Diversity management can be used without equality management. You might want to discuss such concerns as labeling groups (social categorization, visibility). You might also want to include the discussion on gender as an example.

You should employ Harvard referencing and maintain professional levels of writing style, spelling and punctuation. The font size should be 12 point (Times New Roman or Arial) and you should use 1.5 or double line spacing.
Assessment notice
Students submitting essays and other coursework assessments should be aware that the penalties imposed upon students committing academic misconduct may include obtaining zero marks for the assessment unit, or even more severe penalties. See for further information. The most common forms of misconduct that are usually detected are plagiarism and personation. Find out more about them – and how to avoid them – here: