International Labour Organisation (ILO) Principle ‘Labour is not a commodity’ (International Labour Organisation (ILO) Principle). Given the push towards market economy and globalisation – to what extent is this fundamental principle still an appropriate statement?

Essay worth 35%
This is an individual essay with a maximum of 1600 words (+/- 10%), excluding references
Students must use ‘footnotes’ (see Unit Outline)
See iLearn for submission criteria and late submissions
Essay Criteria/Guidelines will be posted on iLearn
Individual Essay Question – Information
HRM 222

Extra Information:
Please note that the following points are suggestions only. The scope of the question provides a number of different perspectives relating to possible answers:
• The essay question consists of a fundamental ILO Principle that signatory members of the organisation agree upon (‘Labour is not a commodity’). The question asks if this principle is still appropriate given modern global & economic changes.
• In other words you are being asked for a considered ‘opinion’ (backed by evidence and argument)
• Your response to the question must relate the principle to the current trends and challenges found in global market economies relating to labour
• The question is asking you to identify not just whether you agree or not but to what extent do you agree/disagree and WHY?
• The word ‘commodity’ supposes an economic asset – what are the advantages and disadvantages of thinking about human labour as a tangible object? Economic concepts you may wish to explore include: productivity, competition, free market place, standardisation, ‘war for talent’, flexibility, etc.
• The question also requires you to examine some of the changes and challenges that globalisation and market economies provide
• You may wish to think about other global issues that impact of workplace such as migration, child labour, regional groupings, trading agreements, technology, Trade Unions, Citizenship, etc.
• The question is asking – is the principle still relevant given these modern day changes and challenges?
• You could argue from both sides if you wish – it is out-dated, relevant in the past but not now or that it is now more important than ever (its up to you)
• The question itself asks you to: 1) agree or not agree with the relevance of the principle and 2) evaluateand argue its continuing relevance to modern globallabour
• The question gives an opportunity for students to engage in critical thinking rather than just descriptive content.
• Be mindful of repetition
• In summary, the question requires you to agree/disagree with the principle (stating your reasons)& evaluate its continuing merit. Taking into account the evolution of economic and global imperatives.
• Using information available (primary and secondary source materials) concerning the historic development of labour (especially the earlier concerns & issues) and keeping in mind practices/challenges already in place– make your argument identifying modern global issues and how they might be handled – plus consider the impact of international business requirements – to support your argument
• Your essay should have an – introduction, main body and conclusion
• Your introduction – states whether or not you agree or disagree with the principle (tells the reader about your argument)
• Your main body – sets-out the reasons for your learned opinion (provides evidence)
• Your conclusion – concludes your particular argument (your conclusion reiterates/supports your introduction)
• You need to reference your work adequately
• Please see referencing guide (Guide to legal referencing). You are only required to use footnotes (you do not need a Bibliography). However, your footnotes must contain sufficient information for the marker to immediately identify where you obtained your information. Footnotes also support propositions in academic writing in your essay that you rely upon
• We are looking for well-argued and robustly supported opinions (not just unsubstantiated personal opinions or descriptive pieces of work). This is only possible if you extend your research and reading to include journal articles & other academic work (to support your proposition)
• You need to properly evaluate the academic merits of your research materials (some internet sources should not be used). Be picky about your source material.
• You should have at least several different sources that you are relying upon (articles, media, etc.)
• At this stage of your studies you should be able to – identify the issues and argue the case in a concise manner, using proper authorities to support your propositions
• Your work needs to be checked for avoidable errors and presented to the marker as a ‘polished’ (professional) piece of work
• The question provides wide scope and students need to think about how they approach the question this means what you include given the limited word count. Your introduction should tell the reader what you are planning to do/argue in relation to the question (this may include what you will not be dealing with).
• The essay guideline provides a flexible guide to what markers are expecting from students. However, we cannot anticipate all possible responses so our main concern is how you approach, argue and support your answer.
• The essay is as much about how students engage in the process–as it is about the final opinion presented
• Please note: marks are not deducted (start off with 35 marks and deduct marks) Students gain marks for the quality of content, examination & evaluation of the question, standard of answer, research that they engaged with, as well as effort and time invested in the process.