Issues and Strategies in Dominant-Minority Relations

Issues and Strategies in Dominant-Minority Relations

This is a two-part discussion. Answer

all questions in one initial post. For Resources

the first part of this discussmn, your

instructor will share on this thread a Q] -PDi5°“S-°’i°” Pam“ -9°fi°” 5am“ -G”ide°

current news article or report that 5] Taking a Stance Against Racism and Discrimination i
connects to this unit’s topics and the Transcript.

general themes of the course. Open

your instructor’s post for the article

or report and the associated questions to answer.

For the second part of the discussion, reflect on the strategies presented in the multimedia
piece, Taking a Stance Against Racism and Discrimination. Which strategies do you think are
most effective for reducing prejudice and discrimination? What other strategies would you
suggest? Consider community-level and nationwide strategies, not just individual ones. Address
general strategies as well as those that would target the issues presented in the article or
report your instructor shared.