Learning Activity 5.4: Christian Business Person Presentation


Order type: PowerPoint PresentationSubject: Creative writingAcademic level: Master
Learning Activity 5.4: Christian Business Person PresentationIntroduction and Purpose of AssignmentThis assignment provides a chance to reflect and analyze the various books, devotionals and discussions during the course of your MBA program that have touched on what it means to be a Christian in the marketplace.Objectives• Create a personal definition of a Christian business person. (5.1)Theory and ContextWhile you can read what others say about what a Christian business person’s role is and what a Christian business person looks like, until you do the personal analysis you will not fit all the pieces together. While many attributes of a Christian business person will be the same from person to person, not everyone will view the work of a Christian business person in quite the same way. It is important for you to create your personal definition of what you feel you should reflect as a Christian business person.ResourcesJeff Van Duzer: Another way of doing business. (2011, June 20). Retrieved fromhttps://www.faithandleadership.com/multimedia/jeffrey-van-duzer-another-way-doing-businessInstructions1. Summarize the role of a Christian business person into a 9-12 slide (or comparable) presentation. You can use any presentation medium: video, Prezi, PowerPoint, emaze, etc. This presentation should include either notes or a speech, in addition to visuals.2. Use the Presentation Rubric below to ensure you have met all the criteria for this assignment.3. Post your presentation in the 6.2.a Christian Business Person Presentation forum as an attachment at the beginning of Week Six.4. Also submit your presentation to your facilitator using the dropbox titled 5.4 Christian Business Person Presentation by the end of Week Five.?Grading Guide or RubricPresentation Rubric (60 points total)Content (20 points)20-17 points 16-11 points 12-9 points 8-0 pointsPlease apply the checklist for presentation points.Adapted from The Bedford Guide for Writing TutorsPowerPoint PresentationRelevant content with analysis is developed. Relevant content exists, but needs more analysis.Content is somewhat relevant, but lacks analysis. Information is provided.Analysis is excellent. Analysis is good. Analysis is average.Analysis is difficult to follow.Presentation (30 points)30-23 points 22-16 points 15-11 points 10-0 pointsSlide points are clear, organized, and well presented. Slide points are generally clear, organized, and well presented. Slide points lack clarity and organization. Slide points lack clarity and organization.All elements specified in chapters 1-10 of the Duarte textbook are completed well..Many of the elements specified in chapters 1-10 of the Duarte textbook are completed well.Some of the elements of specified in chapters 1-10 of the Duarte textbook are completed well.Few of the elements specified in chapters 1-10 of the Duarte textbook are completed well.Mechanics (10 points)10-9 points 8 points 7-6 points 5-0 pointsResources are correctly referenced to APA standardNo grammatical errors. Resources are referenced to APA standard.Some grammatical errors (1-3). Resources incorrectly referenced to APA standard.Many grammatical errors (4-6). Resources incorrectly or not referenced to APA standardMany grammatical errors (7+).5.4 Christian Business Person Presentation Points: 60