Lesson plan


Lesson Plan Instruction and assessments
Instructions: Assessment and the Lesson Plan
The lesson plan format follows the requirement as presented by “Madeline Hunter”. The attachment explains in detail how lesson plans must be written and presented.
• Using the Lesson Plan format, C.R.O.P. – Communities Resolving Our Problems: the basic idea/Comparing Thinking Skill models – Adapted from Marzano. http://www.wcu.edu/ceap/houghton/learner/Think94/NCmarzanoThink.html
• Utilizing the North Carolina Standard Course of Study, student will create a Lesson that one could teach to a class (choose the grade level). – http://www.dpi.state.nc.us/curriculum/
• Include activities for Guided Practice & Independent Practice.
• Submit the assessments with the Lesson Plan. (See Madeline Hunter’s Lesson Plan Suggestions –http://www.hope.edu/academic/education/wessman/2block/unit4/hunter2.htm