Approximate word count included beneath each sectionApproximate word count included beneath each section
Abstract No more than 1 side of A4 To include: aims, reason for choice of topic, method of lit search, critical review of the literature chosen and implications for practice Leave this until last!!300-500 wordsContents page Chapters Sub-headings Appendices References Bibliography (if used)Not in word countIntroduction and background Reasons for your choice of topic including an overview of the main drivers for change– political, social, recent research etc. What is the current situation? Do you suspect there is a problem? Why? Some reference to the literature is expected750- 1,000 words
Method of literature search Overview of databases used, search terms, “hits”, revised search terms, number of sources finally chosen. A table in your appendix may summarise this neatly. Sources of books and journals (no need to list them here!) Other sources e.g. verbal, local Trust policies, professional guidelines, Government documents etc.500 wordsCritical Literature review Critically review the literature related to your topic to evidence base for Midwifery practice Sources included in your reviewshould be critically and comparatively analysed in depth, identifying and discussing the emergent themes Evaluate evidence from the lit in relation to your local policies and practice as well as in relation to government policies Present a clearly set out picture of the conclusions drawn for practice – does practice need to change on your site or have you concluded that practice is indeed evidence based? Make it quite clear what you are proposing and how this will be implemented in practice Illustrations, graphs, plans, tools etc. may be included – may go in appendix2000-2500 wordsSummary Summarise the literature review, identifying clearly what the issue was that led you to search the evidence and how you went about it. Identify the main areas of practice that you have explored and summarise your literature review, bringing together the various aspects to give a clear picture as to how practice should now proceed Identify any limitations of your search / review and how these might be addressed especially highlighting any gaps in the current available evidence that may require further research500-750 words
Reference list Bibliography AppendicesNot in word count