Mental Health Issues Among Refugees and Immigrant people in El Cajon Community


The direction of the essay (THE ISSUE IS ABOUT Mental Health Issues Among Refugees and Immigrant people IN EL CAJON COMMUNITY.
1-. Apply two models of community organizing to address the issue. Conflict: Detail the steps you would take to engage the community using this method. Who is your target, why? What type of pressure would you place on the target? When would you claim victory? This part should be two pagesConflict organization1- Identify an issue (we have to start with anger)2- Develop a target. (this one you have to choose, we have to choose a reasonable thing to pressure him/ her and make him with you)3- Pressure on the target4- Negotiation5- Concession6- Victory• Conflict organization has two purposes1-solve the issue/problem2- Empowerment if someone want to become the active organizer, you have to have1- Curiosity2- Irreverehle3- Imagination4- A sense of humor5- A blurred vision to a better world6- Personal organization7- Polarize people8- Ego9- Open free mind10- Self examination
7 2- . Consensus: Working with the community, identify the community’s assets and strengths (internal resources) to address their concern. Explain how you would involve and compel outside (external) resources to become involved. Why would they want to be involved in this effort? This part should be two pagesConsensus organization1- Issue analysisA- Share outcomes B- Committed community membersC- work out a strategy (it is an action plan)2- power analysis3- self interest analysis4- Asset mapping (this is very important, like which kind of recourses the power analysis have)
7 3. Contrast the two approaches in terms of effectiveness, practicality and community receptivity. THIS PART SHOULD BE ONE PAGE 7 4. Paper should be FIVE pages in length using APA format, 12-point times new roman font, double space, and 1-inch margins. 4 Total 25