Mother Tongue

In this module, you will review, finalize, and submit your CriticaIn this module, you will review, finalize, and submit your Critical Analysis Essay. This means you’ll be working on small-scale revisions and edits, such as in spelling, grammar, word usage, and sentence structure. Putting it all together for final submission. Please my audience must be clear.
l Analysis Essay. This means you’ll be working on small-scale reIn this module, you will review, finalize, and submit your Critical Analysis Essay. This means you’ll be working on small-scale revisions and edits, such as in spelling, grammar, word usage, and sentence structure. Putting it all together for final submission. Please my audience must be clear.
visions and edits, such as in spelling, grammar, word usage, and sentence structure. Putting it all together for final submission. Please my audience must be clear.