
Q1: Ch. 5: Describe the life cycle of the lac insect (Lacifera lacca). How is lac produced?

Q2: Ch. 6: Describe the life cycle of a typical gall wasp. How is the gall formed? Are gall wasps typically host-plant specific? When was ink (derived

from galls) first discovered?

Q3: Ch. 7: Insects are consumed for food in many parts of the world, including Asia, Mexico, South America, Australia, and Africa. Describe three

important edible insects. Include in your description the where they occur (i.e., what geographic region of the world) and how they are captured and

prepared. How are western view on entomophagy impacting this practice in other societies?

Q4: Ch. 8: “Honey” (concentrated nectar) is produced in many insects other than the European honey bee (Apis mellifera). Describe three types of honey

that insects produce. Give the name of the insect describe where, how and why the honey is stored, and describe how humans have learned to collect it.

Q5: Ch. 9: Describe “maggot therapy”. How was this discovered? What are the insects commonly used in maggot therapy. What are some of the advantages of

maggot therapy over other forms of wound treatment? Explain why (or why not) you would accept maggot therapy if your doctor recommended it.

please try to limit 100 words per question.

This is the book to read:
