Needs Assessment Assignment


1. Who is your target population? (For example, you could write “I would like this
intervention to focus on families with children ages 2-5”) (1-2 sentences)

2. In what geographic area is your target audience contained? (A state, county, city,
or neighborhood?) (1-4 sentences)

3. In general, what health topic or concern you would like your intervention to
address? (1-2 sentences)

4. Describe some of the basic demographics you know about this community.
(Rural, urban, high percentage of middle-income or low-income, growing
population of Hispanics, aging population, employment, poverty, etc.) (1
paragraph). Please use at least one reliable data source, (examples include
the US Census Bureau and NYCDOH Community Health Profiles) and use APA
style to cite your work.

5. In general, who do you think are the opinion leaders, or stakeholders, in your
community? (3-4 sentences) (Stakeholders could be individuals, organizations,
community groups, key decision-makers or power structures. Remember,
sometimes the people who are “officially” the decision makers are not really in

Identify ONE specific individual you would want to contact to get information
about the community and provide their contact information (name, address,
phone number and email/website address.) Explain why you would specifically
contact this person. (1 paragraph + contact information)

6. From a socio-ecological perspective, write about how this health issues impacts
your specified population at each level of the socio ecological model level.
(Please write one paraggph for each level (individual, interpersonal, community
and policy) about the factors on that level which impact your specific
wpulation), Please use at least two reliable sources and cite your work.
These resources may be from reputable websites such as .org, .edu, .gov or
net, books, newspapers, such as the New York Times, or peer reviewed
publications. Use APA style format to reference your work. (4 paragraphs)

7. Explain your personal reasons for having chosen this health topic,
population, and setting. (1-2 paragraphs)

8. Obviously any research you do will have limitations, you can never find
everything out about a community. What do you think the limitations are of your
research? (For example, how representative of the community are the people
that you think might be stakeholders? What cultural factors might be at play that
they are not telling an outsider? Are there historical factors influencing the
community regarding this health issue?) (2 paragraphs)

Assignment 1
HLT 101 Fall 2017
Introduction to Public Health
Dr. Reader

Title of Assignment: Needs Assessment
Goals of Assignment
In this assignment, students will enhance their public health skills and knowledge by
conducting a needs assessment for a specific community. In addition, students will
gain a deeper understanding of the social determinants of health, some of the
limitations of research and how to use citations.
After completing this assignment students will be able to:

1. Identify a health concern within a target population

2. Describe how to find basic demographic information about a community.

3. Cite examples of community stakeholders

4. Apply the socioecological model of health

5. Discuss limitations of their research

6. Use correct APA style citation
Congratulations! Since you have shown great promise as a public health student, the
Health and Wellness Foundation has asked that you begin the process of creating a
health education / health promotion / disease and injury prevention program. One of
the first steps is to prepare a needs assessment, the steps for which are outlined
Your program can be set either locally in NY, elsewhere in the US, or in another
country. On page 2 are the steps you need to follow in order to prepare your needs
assessment. Please read all the instructions and prepare thoughtful, concise, well-
written responses to all questions. The final assignment is worth 20% of your grade.
Copy and paste the questions on page 2 into your own document, save it and type
your responses under each question. Please use 1-inch margins, 12-point font, and
double-space your responses. Follow, the guidelines below for response length and
review the rubric at the end of this document so you are aware of how I will be grading
your final needs assessment. Your responses in total should be no less than 1000
You must use APA style format to reference your work. (In total, you must use three
references.) In particular, you should cite your references within the needs assessment
and you should include a reference page at the end of your needs assessment. Please
w; you may not use quotes. All writing should be in your own words.

Needs Assessment Assignment