QSO 300 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
The final project for this course is the creation of a comprehensive case study analysis. Every business—whether a beauty salon, automobile manufacturer, or
professional baseball team—has an operations component that creates goods and services by transforming inputs into outputs. There are a wide variety of tools
and techniques that operations managers draw upon to increase efficiency and effectiveness, creating value for customers. Operations management
professionals are in high demand across a variety of industries. Having basic knowledge of operations functions and their integration capabilities is critically
important in the world of business. For example, applying the limitations of production in marketing and sales is a routine task. Managing the equipment and
supplies needs of operations management is a basic skill looked for in finance and accounting workers.
For your final assessment in this course, you will analyze a case study that addresses several key operations management fundamentals. You will use the tools
and techniques that operations managers use and incorporate your instructor’s feedback into the final summative analysis. You will address the typical problems
that operations managers face using the knowledge you have gained from this course. Finally, you will discuss the emerging concepts of sustainability in business
management, specifically the topics of corporate responsibility and environmental compliance.
The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Four, and Five. The final project is due in Module Seven.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
Evaluate the influence of operations functions on generating value for a firm and its customers
Explain theories and techniques used by operations managers for informing production processes
Accurately apply problem-solving and decision-making skills to real-world problems using quantitative and qualitative methodologies
Integrate emerging principles into operations management functions by addressing corporate responsibility and environmental sustainability
Using the knowledge you have gained from this course, you will write a comprehensive analysis of the Nissan case study we have been analyzing throughout this
course by addressing the critical elements below.
Imagine that you are hired into the role of the operations manager at the company described in the case study. Although there are many issues facing the
company, you have some experience and are well qualified to provide direction in solving these problems. To address many of the questions below, you will want
to review your submissions from previous modules and incorporate instructor feedback. Using the case study, course materials, and outside sources, prepare a
cohesive case study analysis for submission as one document.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Generating Value
A. Evaluate how the company in the case study uses operations management functions to provide products and generate value for its customers.
Support your claims with examples from the case study or outside sources.
B. Assess how this company achieves a competitive advantage using operations management. Provide examples found in the case study or outside
sources to support your reasoning.
C. Compare and contrast service operations and manufacturing operations at the company in the case study. How are they the same? How do they
differ? How does each of these operations provide value for their customers?
II. Theories and Techniques
A. Explain how gross-to-net calculations are processed for material requirements planning (MRP). What specific input files would the company in
the case study need to include in this process for a successful MRP? How would you use the MRP information to improve the operations as the
manager of this company?
B. Compare and contrast the critical path method (CPM) and the program evaluation and review technique (PERT). What types of projects at this
company would favor PERT over CPM? Why? What types of projects at this company would favor CPM over PERT? Why?
C. Explain the four primary priority rules for job sequencing. In what instances at the company might each rule be most advantageous? When
would each rule be most disadvantageous? Support your claims with citations from your textbook or outside sources.
D. Explain the five steps of the theory of constraints (TOC) process. To what processes might the company in the case study apply TOC? Why would
applying TOC to these processes be advantageous?
E. Explain the steps used to develop a forecasting system. How would these steps be specifically utilized by this company? What do you predict
would be the result of implementing a forecasting system for the top-selling product line at this company?
F. List the major categories of supply chain risk and associated risk-reduction tactics. How could the company mitigate exposure to supply chain
disruptions caused by natural disasters? For example, consider the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that devastated parts of Japan.
G. Summarize the following theories: just in time (JIT), Toyota Production System (TPS), and Lean. How are these concepts related? Describe the
advantages and disadvantages for using each of these concepts at the company presented in the case study.
H. Describe how total quality management (TQM) principles and tools can be used to improve quality in the latest line of products in the context of
the case study.
III. Data Analysis
A. Draw a hypothetical process (time-function) map for producing a recently released (within the past two years) product manufactured by the
company. As an operations manager, how will you use the value map? Be sure to include your process map within your case study analysis.
B. Draw a cause-and-effect diagram that assesses why some of the company’s supply chain partners might have struggled to implement some of
the company’s newly developed materials. Summarize your findings from the diagram.
C. Considering the data and options below, determine where the company should locate its new manufacturing plant. Explain why this would be
the favorable location.
Factor Weight Mexico City Columbia, SC
Political Risk .25 70 80
Transportation Costs .20 40 90
Labor Productivity .20 85 75
Rental Costs .15 90 55
Labor Costs .10 80 50
Taxes .10 90 50
D. The company believes that it might have some inefficiencies in its inventory management process. Develop an ABC classification system for the
following 10 items. Based on this information, what do you recommend for improving inventory management?
Item Annual Demand Cost/Unit
I5 1750 10.00
D1 6000 10.00
A2 3000 50.00
E9 1000 20.00
J8 2500 5.00
C7 1500 45.00
B8 4000 12.00
G2 300 1500.00
H2 600 20.00
F3 500 500.00
IV. Sustainability
A. Describe how the emerging concept of the triple bottom line can be used to enhance operations management at the company. Be sure to
address each component of the triple bottom line.
B. Explain how the company integrates ISO 14000 standards in its manufacturing plants. Support your explanation with citations from your textbook
or outside sources.
C. Describe ways through which the company can integrate corporate responsibility principles into their operations. Which of these do you believe
to be the most effective? Why? Support your opinions with citations from your textbook or outside sources.
Milestone One: Managing Operations
In Module Two, you will submit a managing operations case study analysis, which evaluates how Nissan uses operations management functions to provide
products and generate value for its customers and how it achieves a competitive advantage using operations management, among other critical elements. To
complete this milestone, you will use the Nissan case study, your own independent research, and the course materials. This milestone is graded with the
Milestone One Rubric.
Milestone Two: Quality, Process, and Location Analysis
In Module Four, you will submit a quality, process, and location analysis case study analysis that addresses the typical problems that operations managers face.
To complete this milestone, you will use the Nissan case study, your own independent research, and the course materials. This milestone is graded with the
Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Sustaining Operations
In Module Five, you will submit a sustaining operations case study analysis that discusses the emerging concepts of sustainability in business management,
specifically the topics of corporate responsibility and environmental compliance. To complete this milestone, you will use the Nissan case study, your own
independent research, and the course materials. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.
Final Submission: Comprehensive Case Study Analysis
In Module Seven, you will submit your final comprehensive case study analysis. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements
of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. If you have not included it already, be sure that this final
submission includes an introduction section, which provides an overview of the company and some of the key challenges that it is facing. Also, be sure to include
a summary/conclusion section that highlights some of your most important recommendations for improving operations at the company. This will be graded
using the Final Project Rubric.
Deliverable Milestones
Milestone Deliverables Module Due Grading
1 Milestone One: Managing Operations Two Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric
2 Milestone Two: Quality, Process, and
Location Analysis
Four Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric
3 Milestone Three: Sustaining Operations Five Graded Separately; Milestone Three Rubric
Final Product: Comprehensive Case
Study Analysis
Seven Graded separately; Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Written components of projects must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA style. This assignment should be 10–12 pages in length, not including cover page and resources.
Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information,
review these instructions.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Generating Value:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
directly ties specific OM activities
to actual measures of customer
satisfaction related to the case
Evaluates how the company in the
case study uses OM functions to
provide products to customers
and to generate value and
provides support
Evaluates how the company in the
case study uses OM functions to
provide products to customers
and to generate value but does
not provide support
Does not evaluate how the
company in the case study uses
OM functions to provide products
to customers
Generating Value:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides additional real-world
examples of times when the
company in the case study outperformed a competitor
Accurately assesses how the
company in the case study
achieves a competitive advantage
using OM and provides support
Assesses how the company in the
case study achieves a competitive
advantage using OM but
assessment is inaccurate or does
not provide support
Does not assess how the company
in the case study achieves a
competitive advantage using OM
Generating Value:
Compare and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
addresses implications of strategic
OM decisions for both service and
Compares and contrasts service
and manufacturing operations
and includes how each operation
provides value for its customers
Compares and contrasts service
and manufacturing operations but
does not include how each
operation provides value for its
Does not compare and contrast
service and manufacturing
Theories and
Techniques: Grossto-Net
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
integrates additional
organizational functions that
affect inputs to and outcomes of
Correctly explains how gross-tonet calculations are processed for
MRP and identifies the specific
input files needed and how the
company uses the MRP
Correctly explains how gross-tonet calculations are processed for
MRP but does not identify the
specific input files needed or how
the company uses the MRP
Does not correctly explain how
gross-to-net calculations are
processed for MRP or explanation
is incorrect
Theories and
Compare and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
supports explanation with
concrete real-world examples
Compares and contrasts CPM and
PERT and explains which projects
would favor each technique
Compares and contrasts CPM and
PERT but does not explain which
projects would favor each
Does not compare and contrast
Theories and
Techniques: Four
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explains a situation where a
hybrid approach might work best
Accurately explains the four
primary priority rules for job
sequencing, explaining where
each rule would be most
and provides support
Accurately explains the four
primary priority rules for job
sequencing, but does not explain
where each rule would be most
advantageous and
disadvantageous or does not
provide support
Does not explain the four primary
priority rules for job sequencing
or explanation is inaccurate
Theories and
Techniques: Theory
of Constraints
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
predicts the results of applying
TOC to specific processes in the
case study
Correctly explains the five steps of
TOC and explains why it would be
advantageous to apply TOC to
specific processes in the case
Correctly explains the five steps of
TOC but does not explain why it
would be advantageous to apply
TOC to specific processes in the
case study
Does not explain the five steps of
TOC or explanation is incorrect
Theories and
Forecasting System
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
defends prediction with support
Accurately describes the steps
used to develop a forecasting
system and predicts the results of
using a forecasting system in the
context of the case-study
Accurately describes the steps
used to develop a forecasting
system but does not predict the
results of using a forecasting
system in the context of the case
Does not describe the steps used
to develop a forecasting system or
description is inaccurate
Theories and
Techniques: Supply
Chain Risk
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides support for explanation
Correctly lists the major
categories of supply chain risks
and associated risk-reduction
tactics and explains how the
company could avoid exposure to
supply chain disruptions
Correctly lists the major
categories of supply chain risks
and associated risk-reduction
tactics but does not explain how
the company could avoid
exposure to supply chain
Does not list the major categories
of supply chain risks and
associated risk-reduction tactics or
list and associated risks are
Theories and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
describes how a specific process
could be leaned at the company
Summarizes JIT, TPS, and Lean and
explains how the concepts are
related, integrating the
advantages/disadvantages of
using each in the case-study
Summarizes JIT, TPS, and Lean but
does not explain how the
concepts are related, integrating
the advantages/disadvantages of
using each in the case-study
Does not summarize JIT, TPS, or
Theories and
Techniques: Total
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
integrates Deming’s points into
the discussion
Describes how TQM can be used
to improve quality in the context
of the case study
Describes how TQM can be used
to improve quality but does not
provide context in the case study
Does not describe how TQM can
be used to improve quality
Data Analysis:
Process Map
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
description of map’s use
demonstrates insight into the
importance of OM tools
Accurately draws and includes a
process map for product and
thoroughly describes how it would
be used by an OM manager
Draws and includes a process map
for product, but drawing is
inaccurate, and description of
how it would be used by OM
manager is either not thorough or
Does not draw and include a
process map for a product
Data Analysis:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explains what could be done to
encourage supply chain partners
to comply with new requirements
Properly draws a cause-and-effect
diagram assessing the struggle to
implement newly developed
materials and summarizes findings
Properly draws a cause-and-effect
diagram assessing the struggle to
implement newly developed
materials but does not summarize
Does not properly draw a causeand-effect diagram
Data Analysis:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
explains additional criteria that
might also need to be considered
Correctly determines where the
new plant should be located and
explains why this is a favorable
Correctly determines where the
new plant should be located but
does not explain why this is a
favorable location
Does not correctly determine
where the new plant should be
Data Analysis:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
justifies improvements with
logical reasoning or support from
outside sources
Correctly develops an ABC
classification system and
recommends improvements in
inventory management
Correctly develops an ABC
classification system but does not
recommend improvements in
inventory management
Does not correctly develop an ABC
classification system
Triple Bottom Line
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides support
Describes how the triple bottom
line can enhance OM and
addresses each component of the
triple bottom line concept
Describes how the triple bottom
line can enhance OM but does not
address each component of the
triple bottom line concept
Does not describe how OM can
enhance triple bottom line
ISO 14000
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
describes additional
environmental policies and
Accurately explains how the
company integrates ISO 14000
standards in the manufacturing
plants and provides support
Explains how the company
integrates ISO 14000 standards in
the manufacturing plants but does
not provide support or
explanation is inaccurate
Does not explain how the
company integrates ISO 14000
standards in the manufacturing
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
support includes research on the
best practices in corporate
Describes ways the company can
integrate corporate responsibility
principles into operations and
defends opinion of the most
effective way with support
Describes ways the company can
integrate corporate responsibility
principles into operations but
does not defend opinion of the
most effective way with support
Does not describe ways the
company can integrate corporate
responsibility principles into
Articulation of
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and organization
and is presented in a professional
and easy-to-read format
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability
and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Earned Total 100%