Read the dialogues of Plato and respond to the following questions.
1. What has Euthyphro come to do? Why? What happened with his father?
2. Why do you think Socrates believes Euthyphro may be doing the wrong thing and what potential danger could his being wrong bring to his soul?
3. Do you think misusing the legal system would corrupt the state and the citizens according to Socrates? Speculate on the charge of corruption against Socrates and this idea of corruption.
4. In what various ways does Euthyphro define piety (holiness), and why do they not satisfy Socrates? What kind of definition does Socrates want?
5. What do you think Socrates is trying to teach Euthyphro?
1. Why do you think it is important to make the distinction between two sets of accusers and how does this come into play at the end of the dialogue?
2. What are the charges against Socrates?
Made inquiry of man so called wise, god considered him wise. He brought to light those who were no wise.
3. Why is the Oracle at Delphi important to the story and how does it create a predicament for Socrates?
4. Why would it be impious for Socrates to abandon his quest?
5. Why is death not the worst thing that can happen? What do you suppose the worst thing that can happen is for Socrates?
1. Why has Crito come to the cell where Socrates is incarcerated?
2. Socrates says that he wishes the many could do the greatest evil as Crito claims they can do when one falls out of their good opinion, for if they could, they could also do the greatest good. Socrates says that they can do neither and whatever they do, it is by the result of chance. What does this mean?
3. Summarize the claims or issues upon which Socrates will base his argument not to escape.
4. What are the arguments “The Laws” put to Socrates?
5. Speculate on the Crito and how it relates to acts of civil disobedience.