1. Explain what a police officer can do at three levels of suspicion of a suspect: mere suspicion, reasonable suspicion and probable cause. What options do police have at each of these levels?
2. Explain the difference between the watchman, legalistic, and service styles of police discretion, explaining how police would use discretion in each one of these.
3. Briefly explain what happens in the following parts of the criminal justice system: initial hearing, preliminary hearing, arraignment, adjudication, and sentencing.
4. What is diversion or what is known as intermediate court sanctions? Give examples of at least four types of diversion, and possible benefits and costs to society by using these types of sanctions over traditional forms of punishment.
5. What is probation? How is it different from parole? Be sure to distinguish where a person receives these, and how they are similar in what is expected of the person given freedom.