Are multinational corporations (MNCs) now more powerful than nation-states? Will their continuing influence and power produce greater global inequality? Or are they the leading agents of global prosperity?
500 words, in text citation with page numbers. Must have a start and beginning to citation (i.e. According to Smith (2010)……(Smith 2010, 20).) No FOOTNOTES or ENDNOTES. Sources will be provided. Must use at least 3 sources. No outside sources. To access these sources you’ll need a username and password.
Friedman, Thomas L. 2005. “The Dell Theory of Conflict Prevention.” The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Pp. 414-469. Aldaeaj, Hamad, Mary S. Thibodeaux, and Ercan G. Nasif. 1991. “A Power Model of Multinational Corporation–Nation-State Relationships.” SAM Advanced Management Journal (07497075) 56, no. 3: 11-18. Caves, Richard E. 1999. “Chapter 9: The Multinational Enterprise as an Economic Organization.” In International Political Economy, 145-155. Tarzi, Shah M. 1999. “Chapter 10: Third World Governments and Multinational Corporations: Dynamics of Host’s Bargaining Power.” In International Political Economy, 156-166. Drezner, Daniel W. 2004. “The Outsourcing Bogeyman.” Foreign Affairs 83, no. 3: 22-34.