Professional Communication

Order type: Article CritiqueSubject: Communication StrategiesAcademic level: MasterStyle: APA
Requirements for the document critique1. The requirement was for students to critique the proposal document as a tool to achieve a purpose. You are to examine the communications attributes of the DOCUMENT, but not the SOLUTION itself.2. Students were asked not to comment on the appropriateness of the technology or the solution applied to the needs of the business – but only to review the quality of the document from a communications perspective. The proposal could have been about anything at all, and your critique should still be suitable.3. These assessments are intended to gauge what a student has learned specifically from the content delivered in the course. What the university is expecting from these assessments is a demonstration of that learning.4. Thus, you are expected to explicitly apply the concepts covered in the weekly topics. In this case, topics 2, 4 and 5 were highly relevant, with topic 4 in particular covering essential components of the design and creation of a proposal document. (document attached)5. The assignment must have an effective reference to what we covered in the course. Examples are things like the slots, THEME, the buy-in process, and other structural communications issues.6. The assessment should not focus on the technical suitability of the solution and how the proposal covered this. You need to explicitly cover what we have taught in this subject.7. What I suggest is that you consider this assessment as if you knew very little about what a CRM was. Or imagine if it was about implementing something that you really do not know much about.8. You are not commenting on its suitability, only on its strengths and weaknesses as a communication expert, using all of the understanding you have gained from this subject.9. Focus on (and review) the things we covered in those topics. Look at the task requirements from that perspective and ignore the technology or the business situation. You are not a business analyst here, you are communications expert.