Profile Essay

Overview and Requirements
Being able to see a person beyond a diagnosis, a role (such as a patient, friend, parent, or supervisor), or a physical attribute enables

nurses to see each patient as an individual with unique experiences, hopes, fears, and needs.
Assignment Prompt
1.) For the profile essay:
• you will closely examine a person whom you personally know, such as a patient, family member, educator, co-worker, or friend
• you will focus on a short period of time, such as a single day, several months, or even a significant moment that takes place over

an hour
• the goal of the profile essay is to show readers who this person is. For example, the profile may highlight a patient’s strength

that carried him through his battle with cancer, a parent’s dedication to always putting his children’s needs above his own, or a friend’s

always positive attitude despite the challenges that she faces.
• the essay is not about you
• the focus should be on the individual who is profiled
3.) Your essay must do the following:
• Create a vivid depiction of the individual
• Focus on a short period of time that highlights the trait(s) that you wish to focus on
• Incorporate strong vivid descriptions and examples, including dialogue
• Show instead of tell
4.) Your essay must include the following:
• An introduction with a hook and strong thesis statement
• Developed body paragraphs with strong topic sentences and concluding sentences
• A word count of 1,000 words, at a minimum (excludes cover page)

IMPORTANT: Ask the person for permission to write about him or her. Do not use the person’s real name or any other identifying

information in the essay, prewriting, or any other content related to the assignment.
For an example of an “A” student essay, review the Profile Example Essay.
For specific grading criteria for this assignment, review the Profile Essay Rubric.