Reverend or Aldulterer

Adultery, in societies around the world, is believed to be one of many major _x000D_
transgressions.  Penalties for adultery sometimes include death or imprisonment, along _x000D_
with guilt suffering.  In The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, adultery is a _x000D_
blunder made by Arthur Dimmsdale, a famous minister in Boston.  Reverend Dimmsdale _x000D_
suffers greatly from his guilt which causes him to be very emotional and punish himself; _x000D_
although, his sermons during this time were profoundly motivational._x000D_
Arthur Dimmsdale suffers from many emotions after committing adultery:  two of _x000D_
which being grief and guilt.  First, grief occurs because he knows he has done wrong but _x000D_
cannot change it.  For example, Dimmsdale says Of penance, I have had enough (129).  _x000D_
In this passage Hawthorne uses the word penance meaning that Dimmsdale shows _x000D_
sorrow for his wrong doing.  Similarly, guilt also occurs within Dimmsdale.  In many _x000D_
instances Reverend Dimmsdale confesses he is a sinner too, but his congregation thinks _x000D_
even more of him.  They heard it all, and did but reverence him the more.  _x000D_
Consequently, his grief and guilt of his sin was overwhelming.  _x000D_
Next, even though Arthur Dimmsdale is a pastor, his self-discipline fizzles from _x000D_
time to time and prevails the rest.  The pastor, unwed to Hester, loves her and conceives a _x000D_
child with her but punishes himself later for it.  First, shortly after Hester tells Dimmsdale _x000D_
who his physician really is, evidence of their love is revealed.  What we did had a _x000D_
consecration of its own.  We felt it so!  We said so to each other (131).  It is now known _x000D_
that Hester and the reverend had love for each other.  Furthermore, after Dimmsdale and _x000D_
Hester fall in love, they are once again defeated by sin and have a child.  Again, _x000D_
Reverend Dimmsdales self-discipline plunders in a moment of lust.  Could Pearl, He… “