Review Essay


Write a 1600 word summary and evaluation of any single one of the three classic articles on
international finance (listed in the Delivery and Resources section). A "review essay" is a summary of your
own words of the article you have chosen to review, together with an appraisal of it. Your review essay
should be about 50% summary and 50% appraisal. Summary means you summarize the main points and
explain the chosen article in your own words. Figures, tables, or equations in the article may not be included
in your essay.
Appraisal means you express your thoughts about the article. For example, whether the
article is full of insightful remarks, whether the article gives adequate consideration/analysis of the main
issues, or if the article covers too much or too little ground, any additional aspects should be included in the
article. Your bibliography can be minimal.

12. Editing Assis