Rogerian Thought

Theorist Carl Rogers broke new ground when he created his person-centered approach (early on in his career referred to as a non-directive approach). This was a true paradigm shift as prior to this, researchers were considered to have all the answers; clients were directed by their coach as opposed to being self-directed as a contributor to the working relationship (Peltier, 2009). With his emphasis on human potential, Carl Rogers’ work and legacy continues to have a profound influence in both the field of psychology and education.

Activity Preparation
1. Read Chapters 5 (Peltier Text): The psychology of executive coaching: Theory and application
Main Task: Explore Rogerian Thought
In the Peltier text, the Rogerian person-centered approach is discussed in detail (2009). For this task, write a paper in which you validate and elucidate how the principles and concepts of this approach can enhance the effectiveness of a coach. Provide detailed examples to support your ideas.