Sermon Manuscript


For these assignment, you will be required to complete the worksheets according to McDill’s treatment of the structural diagram in 12 Essential Sills of Great Preaching.
You will write one 12-15 page sermon manuscript on Philippians 1:12–18.
The Sermon Manuscript must be designed as follows:
1. The manuscript will be submitted on Philippians 1:12–18.
2. The manuscript will begin with a title page in current Turabian format.
3. Pages 2–3 will be the Oral Presentation Worksheet.
4. Pages 4–15 will be the manuscript.
5. The Sermon Manuscript must utilize the supplied template and mirror the supplied model.
6. The sermon must follow the development of the Oral Presentation worksheet exactly.
7. Place the Oral Presentation categories in the left hand column, including descriptions for illustration and argumentation:
• Illustration: story, personal experience, example, natural analogy (type)• Argumentation: fact, opinion, example, personal experience, cross-reference, other
8. Write the manuscript in the right hand column, single space, using Times New Roman, 12-point font. The text must be written as it would be spoken. Double-space between every paragraph in the manuscript to identify where the next section begins.
9. Each sermon division must be clearly explained.
10. Each sermon division must be clearly illustrated.
11. Each sermon division must be clearly argued.
12. Each sermon division must be clearly applied.
13. The sermon must concluded with action steps for the audience.
14. As you move from one sermon division to the next, transition statements must be clear, concise, and reinforce the main idea of the sermon. Transitions must also state where the sermon has been and where the sermon is going.
15. Type on the Attached Manuscript Worksheet!!!

Rough Outline:
Text:  Philippians 1:12-18 Title:  In God’s Providence
Intro:  Paul faced great bitterness, but in the course of time it turned into peace.  His burdens became blessings.  What others meant for evil, God turned to good for the spreading of the gospel.
Body:  Christ is the central piece – and the central peace – of life.  His pardon covers our faults.  His promises ensure our future.  His purposes give meaning to life.  And His providence guides our steps.  Christ’s providence reaches across the world, throughout all time, and into each of our lives.  In Him we are complete.
Attached Worksheet Assignments to file for additional information.SERMON MANUSCRIPT TEMPLATE