This situational analysis will enable students to apply the theories of this course (see course description and learning outcome below) to a real business situation. Students are expected to identify a real ethical situation in his/her work (past or present), or a situation in another business organization, that occurred within the past five years.This situational analysis will enable students to apply the theories of this course (see course description and learning outcome below) to a real business situation. Students are expected to identify a real ethical situation in his/her work (past or present), or a situation in another business organization, that occurred within the past five years. Identify the ethical dilemma(s) that impact decision making, describe what makes this an ethical issues, and apply a decision making model to the dilemma. The written report should be 3 pages (not including title page and references), should cite a minimum of two relevant scholarly sources that support your work. Sharing of projects will expand the scope of understanding of ethical decision making in different situations.Required elements of this assignment include the following:• Cover page which includes your name, course name, assignment name, title, instructor’s name, and date• Page numbers in the upper right corner• Introduction, Body, Conclusion, Reference List• Double-space, 12 point font, one inch margins• Compliance with APA, 6th edition• Abstract and Table of Contents are not required for this assignmentCourse Description:There are increased reports of unethical leader behavior in the worlds of finance, business, and government, to name a few. One may ask: where has the value of having a moral compass gone? Does one have to be unethical in order to succeed? What is the cost of lack of business and personal ethics to the individual and to society?This course will compare and contrast various ethical decision making theories and constructs as applied to leadership and organizational decision making. Students will use emerging research and publications to explore how one can be effective and ethical while leading an organization, in both formal and informal leadership roles. Included will be the inter-relationship between personal values, organizational systems, and culture, and how issues of control, power, rank and privilege impact ethical decision making. Case studies and personal experience will be used to deepen learning and understanding of the challenges in ethical decision making in the 21st century.The organization of this course will be in formal course work, papers and projects as well as through learning communities and online discussions where you will explore select case studies and apply the theories you have learned. Learning Objectives At the conclusion of this course, students should be able to:1. Contrast the definitions and theoretical underpinnings of values, morals, and ethics.2. Create a set of personal values and describe how you will integrate these in your leadership.3. Research and critique a theory related to ethical decision making.4. Apply ethical theories to various case studies and situations as presented during the course.Investigate and develop a situational analysis of an ethical dilemma in your professional life, or in the realm of a business, and apply a decision making model based on a moral or ethical argument.