Study guide (see instruction)


Order type: EssaySubject: PsychologyAcademic level: PhDStyle: APA
No exact number of references required. Use as many references as you like to prove the point. Answer the following questions (1.5 page for each question) :1. Fresh Direct (, an online supermarket organizes its website interface so that menu bar titles and drop-down menus reflect identical product categories and subcategories found in the different aisles and shelf arrangements in actual supermarkets. Define and explain how cognitive processes including attention, episodic and semantic memory, schema, and organization of prototypic categories facilitate learning, satisfaction and ease of using Fresh Direct. Give examples.2. A U.S.-based fast food chain store wants to expand franchises into Asia and South America. Cite specific psychological theory and research that explains why cultural factors, values, regional influences, and consumer diversity need to be taken into account when 1) localizing menu options and 2) marketing effectively in these two regions – while still retaining company brand identity. What type of data would you collect to plan and test outcomes?3. Marketing segmentation refers to identifying consumers as a sub-group based on shared characteristics (e.g., age and income demographics, values, culture, etc.). Select a brand and market segment that is its target and discuss diversity issues pertaining to it in terms of theory and research in social psychology, culture, and self- concept. What type of psychographic data could be collected to develop targeted marketing strategies for that segment? Give an example.4. The ability of a technology company to innovate is key to its competitive advantage. However psychological dynamics can lead consumers to either resist or adopt innovative technology products. 1) Explain Geoffrey Moore’s / Everett Rogers’ theory of individual differences in personality underlying five adopter groups across a product’s “innovation lifecycle.” 2) Define how one dimension in the Five Factor model of personality would predict consumer reactions to innovation in one of these lifecycle segments. How could a company manage this psychological reaction through its leadership and marketing activity.