Order type: Dissertation Chapter – MethodologySubject: PedagogyAcademic level: MasterStyle: APA
Sections:i) Participants—Description of sample , participant selection, and/or site identification; comparison group description.nursing students enrolled in a research or statistics course. will look for differences in type of learner (adult vs traditional)ii) Measures or Instrumentation—description of all variables, data sources such as existing data, assessments, measures/surveys, and/or interview protocols.SAM (Earp, 2007)SELS (Perepiczka, Chandler and Becerra, 2011)pre and post test to collect anxiety and self-efficacy datagrades from midterm and final exam to match achievement datainstitutional records to see if success in the course impacts nursing attrition ratesiii) Procedure:(1) Intervention—detailed description of the intervention including a timeline for the intervention.Team-Based learning intervention. using real world examples and data. will attach the information on the curriculum in a word document.(2) Data collection—description of data collection procedure to examine BOTH the process of implementation and proximal outcomes of the intervention.(3) Data analysis—description of the data analyses including specific steps to codequalitative data and statistical analyses for quantitative data. this section should also consider how to manage the data.(4) Summary Matrix—include a matrix showing alignment between research questions, measures or instrumentation that operationalizes the variables of interest, data collection, and data analysis as an Appendix; refer to appendix as appropriate throughout this sectionresearch questions:1. How does anxiety impact student performance in statistics classes?2. In what ways does statistics anxiety relate to general mathematics anxiety?3. Does a student’s attitude toward statistics affect his or her academic performance?4. How does the type of learner affect statistics anxiety?