The Business of Advertising


Assignment 3 The business of advertising
30 %
Purpose of assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to
– provide students with an opportunity to understand how campaigns are produced in a professional environment.
– provide students with an opportunity to reflect on the practice and teaching or advertising
Due Date
Monday of Week 13 by 9.00 am Eastern Standard Time
Upload to Moodle in Assignment 3 Folder.
Provide a reflection on the following question ‘What are the lessons for advertising and marketing communication professionals that emerge from Casimir (2010) The Gruen Transfer, and how do they relate to your course of study at the University of Canberra?
The report should be clear, concise and easy to read. Breaking your work into themes through the use of sub-headings and paragraphs will help you to do this effectively.
It’s usually best to start with a background or overview, then you can use topics discussed in this Unit as your other sub-headings.
These questions and sub-headings are provided as a suggestion only. You may like to answer only one or two of the questions, or develop your own topics and ideas.
For example:
1.The story of the Gruen Transfer (background or overview)
Quickly introduce the story behind the publication of the book (that it is associated with a successful television program that looks at the advertising industry behind the scenes). What key lessons have you learnt from reading this book, and from your own work in developing a creative campaign for this Unit?
2. Understanding the Target Audience and Developing Consumer Insight
What have you learned about the role of research and evaluation in advertising campaigns? What are the factors that influence the motivation of a target audience?
3. Cause Related Marketing – Social Marketing
Social marketing campaigns are often associated with health issues, such as binge drinking, obesity or smoking, where people need to be convinced to change their behaviour. In your opinion, what are the key elements of a successful social marketing advertising campaign?
4. Advertising as Integrated Marketing Communications
Once upon a time an advertising campaign was about newspapers, radio, and television. Then came the Internet, and the rise and rise of social media. How do advertisers choose the best tools and channels for their target audience in today’s fast moving media landscape?
5. Creating the ‘creative’ in the business of advertising
What makes a great advertisement stand out from the crowd? How do creative people get their ideas, and how do the ‘suits’ (account managers) and ‘creatives’ (copywriters and designers) work together with clients to produce an integrated advertising campaign? What advice would you provide to someone looking to make great creative advertising?
These questions and sub-headings are provided as a suggestion only. You may like to answer only one or two of the questions, or develop your own topics and ideas.
Students are encouraged to refer to current advertising campaigns, or the creative campaign developed for this Unit, in their analysis. Reference can be made to other advertising or marketing textbooks, but the main source of information for this assignment should be The Gruen Transfer and the e-reserve readings for this Unit.
Length and format
Up to a maximum of 1,000 words (excluding list of references).
To ensure your document is easy to read please set your margins, paragraph spacing and font size as follows:
Margins: 2.54cm Font size: 12 point Paragraph line spacing: 1.5
Please use an approved form of academic referencing in a consistent manner (such as author-date system).
Newspapers, industry journals, or online lecture material are acceptable forms of references, such as Smith, Sydney Morning Herald, 21 June 2012 or Pearson, Agency-Client Relationships, Semester One 2013.
The Academic Skills Centre can provide advice and support on academic referencing and writing:
Information is also available online at: gateway/research_help/referencing-guides
Marking Criteria
– Evidence and breadth of research and analysis – 40% (including use of relevant sources)
– Analysis and findings that address the assignment question – 40%
– Format and presentation of document that facilitates effective communication –
NB: Assignment Coversheets are available on Moodle. Up to 20% of marks (from Format and Presentation) will be deducted if you do not include a cover sheet or clearly identify your Student Name and ID.